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Can you answer these 10 questions if the ECG monitor is used everyday?

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Release date: 2018-09-24 00:00:00
Source: Henan Meilun Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Can you answer these 10 questions if the ECG monitor is used everyday?

Multiparameter monitoring can provide important patient information for clinical diagnosis and monitoring. It can detect real-time important parameters such as ECG signal, heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, respiratory frequency and body temperature, and is an important device for monitoring vital signs of patients.

It is the skill for every nurse to master the operation skill of ECG monitor.

The author collated the following key points, hoping to help everyone.

What is the difference between the 3 lead and the 5 lead electrocardiogram?

Answer: 3 lead ECG leads can only get I, II, III lead ECG, while 5 lead ECG leads can get I, II, III, AVR, AVF, AVL, V lead ECG.

In order to facilitate fast connection, color labeling is used to quickly paste the corresponding electrode. 3 lead ECG conductors were marked as red, yellow, green or white, black and red; 5 lead ECG conductors were marked as white, black, red, green and brown.

The positions of the electrodes on the same color wire in the two specifications are not the same. The positions determined by the abbreviations RA, LA, RL, LL and C are more reliable than the memory colors.

Why do we advocate wearing blood oxygen saturation fingertips first?

Because wearing oxygen saturation covers is much faster than connecting leads, the pulse rate and oxygen saturation of the patient can be monitored in the shortest time, and medical staff can quickly assess the most basic signs of the patient.

Can blood oxygen saturation fingernails and sphygmomanometer cuffs be placed in the same limb?


When blood pressure is measured, arterial blood flow is blocked, which leads to inaccurate monitoring of oxygen saturation during blood pressure measurement. Therefore, it is not recommended that the oxygen saturation sleeve and the automatic sphygmomanometer cuff be on the same side of the limb. Ltd.

Why do we often use II lead ECG waveform?

Because the ECG of II leads is the most obvious.

When recording electrocardiogram by bedside, besides the conventional 12-lead synchronous recording, a separate II-lead recording strip should be left to facilitate comparative analysis and analysis of various arrhythmias.

Do patients with ECG monitoring need to replace electrodes?

Needs to replace, because the electrode sticks in the same place for too long, will lead to rash, blisters, so should often check the skin condition, even if the current skin is intact, 3-4 days to replace the electrode and sticking site once, to avoid causing skin damage.

After electrocardiogram monitoring, remember to remove electrode.

Monitor Manufacturers

What should we pay attention to noninvasive blood pressure monitoring?

(1) Care should be taken to avoid blood pressure monitoring on the limbs of patients with internal fistula, hemiplegia, unilateral breast cancer resection, transfusion limbs, edema, hematoma and skin damage. It is also necessary to pay attention to patients with poor blood coagulation function and leukocytic disease to avoid medical disputes caused by blood pressure measurements.

(2) replacement of measurement sites should be done routinely. Experts recommend replacing them every 4 hours. Avoid continuous measurements on one side of the limb, resulting in purpura, ischemia and nerve damage in the limb that rubs against the cuff.

(3) attention should be paid to the selection of cuff and pressure when adults, children and newborns are measured. Because pressure applied to adults for children and newborns can threaten the safety of the child; when the device is set in the newborn, the adult's blood pressure cannot be measured.

What are the aspects of monitoring oxygen saturation? Ltd.

The most commonly used part of oxygen saturation monitoring is the index finger, but also can use earlobe, nose tip, forehead and other parts, if you touch the probe on the baby's palm or foot need not be unusual.

The finger cuff should be cleaned as much as possible by one person and the position should be replaced every 1-2 hours to prevent the occurrence of cyanosis, swelling and pressure sores (especially coma and limb movement disorders) caused by blood circulation disorders at the finger (toe) end, and also prevent the occurrence of low temperature burns and measurement errors.


There is no monitoring module on the monitor. How can it be monitored?

The breathing on the monitor relies on the electrodes of the electrocardiogram to sense the impedance changes of the chest and display the breathing waveform and data.

Because the electrodes on the left and the upper right are respiratory inductive electrodes, their sticking positions are very important. The 2 electrodes should be placed diagonally in order to get the best breathing wave. Ltd.

If the patient is mainly abdominal breathing, the left lower electrode should be adhered to the most prominent part of the left abdomen.

All parameters have alarm range. How do I set them?

Alarm setting principles: to ensure the safety of patients, minimize noise interference, do not allow to turn off the alarm function, unless in the rescue can be temporarily closed, alarm range is not set in the normal range, but should be a safe range. Monitor Manufacturers

Alarm parameters: heart rate in the body and mind rate up and down 30%; blood pressure according to doctor's instructions, patient's condition and basic blood pressure settings; oxygen saturation according to the condition settings; alarm volume must be heard within the scope of the nurse's work; alarm range should be adjusted at any time according to the situation, at least once a shift check.

Patient's heart rate is 56 times / min, can it be set according to alarm parameter requirement? Monitor Manufacturers

No, although the heart rate range should be set at 30% of its own heart rate, but the heart rate of 56 times has been slow, if the heart rate alarm limit is set at 40 times, is not a safe range.

Therefore, the alarm range should be adjusted at any time according to the situation, so as to ensure the safety of patients.

Can you answer these 10 questions if the ECG monitor is used everyday?